Monday, October 19, 2009

No time in my life

to enjoy quietly with the night. Especially since I now live in Dallas. Also, I'm pretty sure the city makes stars hard to see (I live in University Park); I don't even know for sure because I've been too busy to look up.

Don't wait around for something exciting to pop up here...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

So sad...

How long it's been since I've held my binoculars, or attempted to pursue this passion. I've been pretty occupied recently with expanding my movie collection. Getting a bigger HD. After the week I should have a respectable library, at which point I'll make every effort to get back out at night.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

ISS Attempt

The International Space Station is supposed to be quite visible this week. I went out last night around 10:45pm to catch a glimpse. Took my Zummell's as well. Unfortunately I didn't know where to look, what it looked like, or how long it was in the sky. I may have seen it, I may have not.

Seeing the full moon and lots of stars was still pretty cool. I love when celestial objects are different colors.

Hopefully tonight I'll get to see the ISS.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Laziness = Blame the weather

I haven't had a chance to go out to dabble in a while. To be honest though, the sky's been cloudy for several days in a row. Yesterday there was even some light drizzle in the morning.

I did, however, take the binoculars to Venice Beach with Steven when he was out here. Not much to see actually.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Binoculars have arrived

To my pleasant surprise the binoculars were delivered on Saturday afternoon. I immediately opened it and set it up, and it was all very easy to use.

I did some research and found out that the moonrise was at around 8:30pm. I went out and looked, but there was nothing but a few stars (or perhaps planets). I was able to focus in on them and see some stars that were not visible to the naked eye.

The moon appeared around 10pm. It wasn't quite a full moon, as there was a faint shadow on top of the moon while the bottom had a bright glow. Still, it was a bright and beautiful sight. Even grandma got a peak, and was thoroughly impressed. Hopefully I'll have a chance to catch the moon tonight.

Friday, May 8, 2009

In the beginning...

I've always been interested in space. The moon, the planets, vacuums, infinity. Working at Raytheon has exposed to a variety of things, with space being a common theme. At the ripe old age of 22 I will pursue this interest and see where it takes me.

I ordered a set of binoculars and a tripod. They should arrive next week. Stay tuned.